Improve Your Marriage Relationship With The
Thriving Marriage System

The Book is the Principal Component of the
Thriving Marriage System
Makes the Complex…
The Challenging…
And the Necessary…
For All Couples
Stephen R. Covey
Marriages today are in peril
Stephen R. Covey — Author
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Dr. David Coombs
I will highly recommend it to any couple
Dr. David Coombs
Marriage & Family Counselor — Tustin, CA
Janet Edwards-Giliberti
They don't have to wait six months for results.
Janet Edwards-Giliberti
Bookstore Owner — Springfield, MA
Amy Lynn Frost, MBA, M.S.
Very practical, fun and immediately usable.
Amy Lynn Frost, MBA, M.S.
Trainer/Consultant — Loma Linda, CA
Helen B.
Has already helped 100% to bring us closer
Helen B.
Homemaker — Poway, CA
Gregory J.P. Godek
Realistic approach to improving marriages
“In a world of pop gurus who push simple answers to complex challenges, Tres & Susan Tanner are a refreshing change with a realistic approach to improving marriages.”
Gregory J.P. Godek
1001 Ways To Be Romantic — La Jolla, CA
Ed Coffman
Especially for couples with little time together
Ed Coffman
Traveling Salesman — Sherman Oaks, CA
Sam & Christie Preisler
Your book gave us hope and direction
Sam & Christie Preisler
Computer Programmer & Homemaker — Meridian, ID
Grant & Rosalee Oakeson
Our marriage was significantly enriched.
Grant & Rosalee Oakeson
Trucking Co. Mgr & Clerk — Taylorsville, UT
Dr. Steven Jones
It was a lot of fun and very educational
Dr. Steven Jones
University Professor — Provo, UT
Bill & Helen Houssian
Refreshingly different
Bill & Helen Houssian
Retired Entrepreneurs — Tampa, FL
Ken Shelton
Surely helped me and my wife
” . . .I can’t think of a couple who couldn’t benefit from what you and Susan teach about marriage;–your ENJOY the Journey book surely helped me and my wife.”
Ken Shelton — Winner
2015 Global Leadership Excellence Award
Private Relationship-Life Coaching
Receive totally individualized support from Dr. Tres
Are You Enjoying the Journey Along YOUR Marriage Highway?
I hope so. Whether you’ve been married for decades, just sending thank you notes to those attending your wedding reception, or are ‘in a relationship’ you hope might evolve into something more lasting, you owe it to yourselves as a couple to have your ‘Core Relationship in Life’ be a deeply satisfying and lasting one.
Given the challenges faced by all couples in today’s world, this is not easy to accomplish. Nevertheless, any couple can achieve this, provided they learn and consistently implement the key principles necessary in all successful marriages–(the 6 Practices for Thriving Relationships).
My wife and I wrote a book used by thousands of people throughout the U.S. and Mexico (Spanish version). We recently enhanced the book by recording an Audio Book version, as well as by creating a unique digital tool–the K.I.S.S. Marriage Maker™–that can now be downloaded onto your handheld device. This provides partners with a simple, convenient way to prepare and apply their own specific personalized goals related to crucial principles on a weekly basis. Not merely a book, ‘Enjoy the Journey’ is now a highly effective ‘Thriving Relationships System’.
Each chapter contains 20 Questions couples can dialogue about int ways that help them not only evaluate, but more importantly, improve, vital aspects of their relationship. The Ideas to Consider sections in each chapter provide scores of practical suggestions.
(NOTE: some couples using this system may have already established a rather good marriage relationship with one another, but nevertheless find it provides them a simple, convenient, upbeat way to regularly ensure their marriage / relationship continues to grow and be an ongoing source of great enjoyment for both, year after year. . .) Most any conscientious couple can learn to develop and maintain a thriving relationship without therapy.
So, rather than being content to merely ‘survive’ your ‘Core Relationship in Life’, why not choose to invest in this proven system and follow the roadmap which will show you how to ‘thrive’ and truly Enjoy the Journey. . .?
Dr Tres (Tres Tanner, PhD)